OCD Therapy in Orlando, FL

According to the  International OCD Foundation, about 1 in 100 adults in the U.S. live with OCD. Without proper treatment, this condition can disrupt daily activities and cause significant distress. At Empathy Health Clinic in Orlando, FL, we offer several types of therapy for OCD to help you manage your symptoms and regain control of your life. 

Our therapy programs are designed to provide effective strategies for managing obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors to improve your well-being and enable you to live a fuller life. 

Woman experiencing OCD Therapy

Our Treatment Process

When you come to Empathy Health Clinic for OCD therapy, we create a customized treatment plan just for you. Our mental health professionals start with an intake session to understand your situation, followed by regular care to help you manage OCD in a healthy way.

Step 1

Patient intake session

At Empathy Health Clinic, our first OCD therapy session helps us understand you and your specific concerns. In this 60-minute session, we examine your mental and physical health, gather a detailed medical and family health history and assess your OCD symptoms. This helps us determine the best treatment options for you.

Step 2

Follow-up Appointments

As part of our OCD treatment program, we offer monthly online and in-person follow-up sessions. During these appointments, we monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan. Using specific treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy for OCD, we ensure you receive the best care to manage your OCD effectively.

Step 3

OnlineTalk therapy

Delivered online, our talk therapy sessions focus specifically on helping you manage OCD. These one-hour sessions typically occur weekly or bi-weekly. During our time together, we work on understanding your OCD triggers and developing effective coping strategies to reduce anxiety and improve your daily functioning.

Understanding OCD and Its Impact

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is more than just occasional compulsive behaviors; it is a serious mental health condition that requires professional intervention. OCD involves persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). The behaviors consume more than an hour every day, negatively impacting your mental health and interpersonal relationships.

Symptoms of OCD can include:

Depression, anxiety often co-occur with OCD and worsen symptoms. If you struggle with obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, get help with a personalized OCD treatment plan from Empathy Health Clinic to manage these symptoms and improve your quality of life.

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Impact of Untreated OCD on Your Life

Untreated OCD can have far-reaching effects on your daily life, leading to many negative outcomes. Chronic OCD affects not only your emotional well-being but also has serious physical and social consequences.

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Impaired Daily Functioning

OCD can make even the simplest daily tasks feel overwhelming, with time-consuming rituals and intrusive thoughts disrupting your routine. This can lead to stress and frustration. At Empathy Health Clinic, we give you the tools and strategies to help you manage these symptoms, allowing you to regain control and improve your day-to-day functioning.

a woman looking out of a window with blinds

Social Isolation

OCD can cause you to avoid friends and activities to escape anxiety triggers and potential embarrassment. This social isolation can leave you feeling lonely and disconnected. At Empathy Health Clinic, our compassionate therapists use effective treatments like CBT and exposure and response therapy (ERP) to help you manage OCD, reconnect with others, and enjoy social activities again.

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Physical Health Issues

OCD can take a toll on your physical health, causing issues like headaches, fatigue and gastrointestinal issues due to constant stress and anxiety. You may also experience physical complications due to compulsive behaviors like handwashing, hair pulling or skin picking. To help you manage your stress levels, we provide mindfulness therapies to improve your physical health.

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How We Help You Manage OCD

At Empathy Health Clinic, our OCD therapies provide a comprehensive approach to help you manage and reduce OCD symptoms. Our therapies for OCD help you address the underlying reasons behind your thoughts and behaviors and equip you with practical coping strategies. We also incorporate mindfulness techniques as part of a holistic treatment plan.


Get Comprehensive OCD Treatment in Orlando, FL

Take control of your OCD and intrusive thoughts with therapy in Orlando, FL. At Empathy Health Clinic, we offer personalized care and proven treatments to help you reach your goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey toward better emotional health and well-being.

Our Pricing

Patient intake session

In-person, this time will be spent evaluating your physical and mental health to provide a treatment plan that is customized for your specific needs.

Follow-up Appointments

Online or in-person, monthly follow-up appointments are required for all patients to ensure the success of your treatment and that your health goals are being met.


Online or in person. this is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

See why clients choose Empathy

Discover what our clients are saying about their experiences with our OCD Treatment. Their stories highlight the positive impact we’ve made on their journey towards better mental health and well-being.

Call Us Today!

Interested in learning more about our treatments? Our dedicated team at Empathy Health Clinic is here to provide the care and support you need.