
ADHD Treatment for Adults

Transformative ADHD Treatment: Our Experienced Team Offers Empathetic Support and Evidence-Based Interventions to Empower Individuals with ADHD, Enabling Them to Unlock Their Full Potential and Achieve Success in Every Aspect of Life. Call Today (386) 848-8751 to Book Your ADHD Treatment in Orlando

Our Proccess


Patient intake session

In-person, this time will be spent evaluating your physical and mental health to provide a treatment plan that is customized for your specific needs.

60 mins | Without insurance $155 | As low as $0 with Insurance*, costs vary by provider


Follow-up Appointments

Online or in-person, monthly follow-up appointments are required for all patients to ensure the success of your treatment and that your health goals are being met.

15-60 mins | Without insurance $155 | As low as $0 with Insurance*, costs vary by provider


OnlineTalk therapy

Online, this is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

60 mins | $120

Understanding ADHD

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is characterized by a spectrum of symptoms that vary among individuals. Inattention, marked by difficulty sustaining focus, frequent mistakes, and distractibility, is a hallmark feature.
Hyperactivity involves restlessness and impulsivity, leading to challenges in social and academic settings. Emotional dysregulation, including mood swings and difficulty managing frustration, is also common.
Effective ADHD therapy for adults often involve psychoeducation, behavioral interventions, medication, and tailored support to improve overall quality of life. For more information, visit Empathy Health Clinic.


Hyperactivity is a key symptom of ADHD, characterized by excessive movement and restlessness. Individuals with ADHD may find it challenging to sit still, often appearing as if they are constantly "on the go" and exhibiting difficulty with tasks that require sustained attention.


Impulsivity is a defining trait of ADHD, marked by acting without forethought or consideration of consequences. Individuals with ADHD may struggle to inhibit their immediate reactions, leading to interruptions, impulsive decisions, and difficulty waiting for their turn in conversations or activities.


Inattention is a core symptom of ADHD, characterized by difficulties sustaining focus and attention on tasks or activities. Individuals with ADHD may frequently become easily distracted, make careless mistakes, and have trouble organizing tasks or following through on instructions.

Our Team Of Providers
In Psychiatry & Therapy

Our network of therapists and psychiatric providers have specialization in 150+ conditions, treatment approaches, and mental health needs. 

Accepted insurances and more..

Our Pricing

Patient intake session

In-person, this time will be spent evaluating your physical and mental health to provide a treatment plan that is customized for your specific needs.

Follow-up Appointments

Online or in-person, monthly follow-up appointments are required for all patients to ensure the success of your treatment and that your health goals are being met.


Online or in person. this is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

We accept insurance! Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, UHC, UMR, Optum, Oscar, Aetna, Curative, First Health Network, Tricare

See why clients choose Empathy

Jun 27, 2022

Top notch!!

“My provider, Alex, deserves special recognition for the exceptional care she provided. Alex took the time to genuinely understand my concerns and the challenges I had been facing for years.”

— Alexa willis

Jun 27, 2022

Amazing Support!!

“I saw Alex PA at Empathy Health Clinic. She is compassionate and caring provider. She is very knowledgeable in psychiatry and addiction.”

— Elena S.

Jun 27, 2022

Loving their service

“I had a wonderful experience with Empathy Health Clinic. The office provides mental health psychiatric services for depression and anxiety.” 

— Tatiana Y.

Difficulty Focusing Can Strain Daily Life. It Does Not Have To

Having ADHD often means facing daily challenges with concentration. It’s not just about being easily distracted but also about the struggle to keep your thoughts in line and tasks on track. Our therapy sessions are designed to give you strategies to improve your focus.

This involves learning techniques to keep your mind on the task, breaking down large tasks into manageable steps, and finding ways to minimize distractions. Our goal is to help you turn these challenges into strengths and help you have smoother, more productive days.

Managing Time Effectively Can Seem Daunting

For someone with ADHD, managing time effectively can often feel overwhelming. The days may seem to slip away, leaving you wondering where the time went. In our therapy, we address time management head-on.

We guide you in setting realistic goals, using tools and techniques to prioritize tasks, and creating a structured routine that works for you. By tackling time management issues, we aim to help you gain more control over your day and reduce the stress of feeling constantly behind.

Staying Organized Isn’t Always Easy

Organization can be a particularly tough nut to crack for individuals with ADHD. From keeping track of important items to maintaining a tidy workspace, staying organized can often feel like an uphill battle. Our therapy focuses on practical organization skills.

We work with you to develop personalized systems that make sense for your lifestyle, helping you to keep track of tasks and responsibilities. By strengthening your organizational skills, we aim to reduce the chaos and bring a greater sense of calm and control to your life.

Take a 1 Minute ADHD Self Assement

See why clients choose Empathy

Jun 27, 2022

Top notch!!

“My provider, Alex, deserves special recognition for the exceptional care she provided. Alex took the time to genuinely understand my concerns and the challenges I had been facing for years.”

— Alexa willis

Jun 27, 2022

Amazing Support!!

“I saw Alex PA at Empathy Health Clinic. She is compassionate and caring provider. She is very knowledgeable in psychiatry and addiction.”

— Elena S.

Jun 27, 2022

Loving their service

“I had a wonderful experience with Empathy Health Clinic. The office provides mental health psychiatric services for depression and anxiety.” 

— Tatiana Y.

Frequently Asked Question

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition impacting both children and adults. It challenges one’s ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate energy levels.

Signs of ADHD include difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Inattention may manifest as forgetfulness, an inability to stay on task, and frequent careless mistakes. Hyperactivity involves excessive restlessness and fidgeting, while impulsivity leads to hasty decision-making.

ADHD typically emerges in childhood but can persist into adolescence and adulthood. Adults with ADHD may experience challenges in time management, organization, and maintaining relationships.

Diagnosing ADHD requires a comprehensive assessment, involving an in-depth evaluation of behavior, medical history, and potential contributing factors. Healthcare professionals may use various assessment tools, interviews, and observations. Explore the possibilities of online ADHD diagnosis.

ADHD treatment options include behavioral interventions, psychoeducation, and medication. Stimulant medications, like methylphenidate and amphetamines, are commonly prescribed. Non-stimulant medications and behavioral therapies are considered based on individual needs. Learn about effective non-stimulant treatment for ADHD.

Yes, ADHD can be managed without medication. Behavioral interventions, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes, such as structured routines and minimizing distractions, can effectively alleviate symptoms. Explore alternatives to medication for attention deficit disorder.

ADHD can affect academic and occupational performance, leading to challenges in organization, timely task completion, and maintaining focus. With support and accommodations, individuals with ADHD can excel in both settings. Discover strategies for hyperactivity treatment and attention deficit treatment.

Support may include accommodations at school or work, psychoeducation, counseling, and coaching. Establishing a supportive environment with clear expectations and routines contributes significantly to managing ADHD symptoms. Explore options for adult ADHD symptoms and effective adult ADHD medication.

ADHD is often a lifelong condition, though symptoms may evolve over time. Effective management strategies enable individuals with ADHD to lead successful and fulfilling lives. Understand the complexities of ADHD therapy.

Essential support involves providing understanding, patience, and encouragement. Learning about ADHD, offering practical assistance in organizing tasks, and fostering a positive and structured environment significantly benefit individuals with ADHD. Explore the importance of ADHD testing and gain insights into comprehensive ADHD symptoms and treatment.