Anger Management Treatment Orlando, FL

Empathy Health Clinic offers comprehensive anger management treatment in Orlando, FL, to help individuals regain control of their emotions. Untreated anger issues can lead to strained relationships, physical health problems and reduced quality of life. Our anger management treatment center equips you with practical strategies to control anger and improve your well-being.

Our Process

When you seek help from Empathy Health Clinic for anger management, we develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Our mental health professionals begin with an intake session to assess your situation, followed by routine care to help you deal with anger in a healthy way.

Step 1

Patient intake session

In the first anger management therapy session, we conduct a thorough evaluation of your mental and physical health. This 60-minute session includes gathering a detailed health history, assessing your anger issues and discussing appropriate treatment options to create a personalized plan.

Step 2

Follow-up Appointments

As part of our anger management treatment program, we offer monthly online and in-person follow-up sessions to track your progress and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. These appointments ensure effective treatment for anger management issues through individual counseling or medication management for co-occurring conditions.

Step 3

OnlineTalk therapy

Our regular therapy sessions focus on helping you understand and control your anger. Using evidence-based treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), we work with you to identify triggers, develop problem-solving and coping strategies and improve emotional regulation.

woman with anger and rage issues

Learn About Anger and Rage Issues

Understanding Anger and Rage Issues

Anger and rage issues are more than just occasional outbursts; they are serious mental health concerns that require professional intervention. There are different types of anger-related conditions, including Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD). Even if you don’t meet the criteria for a rage disorder, uncontrolled anger can still impact your life.

Symptoms of anger and rage issues can include:

  • Frequent, intense episodes of anger
  • Physical aggression toward people or property 
  • Verbal outbursts, such as shouting or threats
  • Irritability or constant frustration 
  • Difficulty controlling temper 
  • Feelings of remorse or guilt after an outburst 
  • Strained relationships due to frequent conflicts 
  • Impaired daily functioning due to anger 


Depression, anxiety disorders often co-occur with anger and rage issues and worsen symptoms. If you struggle with intense anger, get help with a personalized anger management treatment plan from Empathy Health Clinic to help you manage these emotions and improve your quality of life.

angry man talking on a phone

Impact of Unhealthy Anger on Your Life

Unhealthy anger can have far-reaching effects on your daily life, leading to many adverse outcomes. Chronic anger not only affects your emotional well-being but also has serious physical and social consequences.


How We Help You Manage Anger

At Empathy Health Clinic, our qualified mental health professionals provide a comprehensive approach to help you manage and express anger in healthier ways. Our treatment modalities are designed to address the causes of your anger and equip you with effective coping strategies.

talking therapy session

Conventional Talk Therapy

Our conventional talk therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy, helps you identify and understand what triggers your anger. Through online psychotherapy sessions, we work with you to reframe negative thought patterns and develop healthier responses, improving your emotional regulation.

man being calm

Mindfulness-Based Stress Techniques

Our mindfulness-based stress techniques teach you how to stay present and calm, reducing the intensity of your anger. Through guided practices, you learn to manage your emotions better when you feel angry and respond more thoughtfully in stressful situations.

Get Comprehensive Anger Treatment in Orlando, FL

Take control of your anger and improve your quality of life with our comprehensive anger management treatment in Orlando, FL. At Empathy Health Clinic, we help you achieve your anger management treatment goals and objectives through personalized care and evidence-based approaches.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey toward healthier emotional management and improved well-being.

Our Pricing

Patient intake session

In-person, this time will be spent evaluating your physical and mental health to provide a treatment plan that is customized for your specific needs.

Follow-up Appointments

Online or in-person, monthly follow-up appointments are required for all patients to ensure the success of your treatment and that your health goals are being met.


Online or in person. this is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

Call Us Today!

Interested in learning more about our treatments? Our dedicated team at Empathy Health Clinic is here to provide the care and support you need.