How to Prepare for Your First Virtual Counseling Session

A woman sitting in a chair and talking to another woman

Did you know that how ready you are for your first virtual counseling session can actually make a big difference? You might not realize it, but your level of readiness could be the key to how effective your online therapy turns out.

Here’s something interesting: The success of your session doesn’t just depend on what you and your therapist talk about. It starts way before that, with how well you prepare. The American Psychological Association (APA) even says that getting ready is crucial, especially when it comes to virtual therapy. Why? Because when you’re mentally and emotionally prepared, you’re able to dive in more deeply and get more out of your sessions.

Think of that first session as the beginning of a journey—one that’s all about getting to know yourself better. Whether it’s anxiety, relationship struggles, or just feeling overwhelmed by life, virtual counseling offers a safe space to explore those feelings. And with a bit of preparation, this experience can be even more meaningful.”

How to Prepare for Your Initial Telehealth Session

We totally get it—the idea of virtual therapy can feel a bit nerve-wracking, especially if it’s your first time. Opening up to someone new through a screen can seem a little intimidating. But knowing what to expect can really help make the whole experience smoother and more comfortable.

As you get ready for your online mental health session, here’s a checklist to help you feel prepared before meeting your online therapist:

Setting Up Your Space

Creating a comfy and private spot is key for a productive session. Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted and make sure you feel safe and at ease.

  • Quiet room: Choose a place where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Comfortable seating: Make sure your chair is comfy.
  • Good lighting: Ensure there’s enough light so your therapist can see you clearly.
  • Limit distractions: Turn off notifications and let others know not to interrupt.

Checking Your Tech

Reliable technology is crucial for virtual counseling. Before your session, check your internet connection, microphone, and camera to avoid any hiccups.

  • Test your internet: Make sure your connection is stable.
  • Check your camera and microphone: Ensure they’re working properly.
  • Use headphones: This helps with privacy and cuts down on background noise.
  • Know the platform: Get familiar with the video platform your therapist uses.

Privacy Matters

Privacy is key when discussing personal topics. Make sure your space is private and let others in your home know you’ll be in a session.

  • Close doors: Make sure no one walks in during your session.
  • Use headphones: This keeps your conversation private.
  • Inform others: Let people in your household know you need some quiet time.

Preparing Mentally and Emotionally

Feeling nervous before your first session is totally normal. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel this way. Your therapist is there to support you and help you feel comfortable.

  • Acknowledge your feelings: It’s okay to be anxious or unsure.
  • Relax beforehand: Deep breaths or a quick meditation can help.
  • Be open: Try to be as honest and open as you can.

Writing Down Your Concerns

It can be tough to remember everything you want to talk about, especially when you’re nervous. Jot down any questions or concerns before your session to keep things on track.
  • Make a list: Write down questions or topics you want to discuss.
  • Be specific: Note any particular concerns about starting therapy.
  • Bring it to the session: Keep your list handy during your session.

Don’t Stress About Perfection

It’s okay if things don’t go perfectly. Feeling a bit awkward or unsure at first is totally normal. Your therapist understands this is new for you and will guide you through the process.
  • Be kind to yourself: It’s fine if you stumble or feel a bit awkward.
  • Focus on progress: Therapy is a journey, and every session is a step forward.
  • Relax: Remember, your therapist is there to help, not judge.

Follow-Up After Your Session

After your session, take a moment to think about how it went. Did you feel comfortable? Is there anything you didn’t get to talk about? Jot it down for your next session, and consider scheduling a follow-up while everything’s still fresh in your mind.
  • Reflect on the session: Think about what went well and what didn’t.
  • Note unfinished topics: Write down anything you didn’t get to discuss.
  • Plan your next session: Schedule a follow-up while it’s fresh in your mind.
“Remember, starting therapy is a big step. It takes courage to reach out for help. You’re not alone in this journey.  Empathy Health is here to support and guide you every step of the way.”

What to Expect in Your First Virtual Counseling Session

Now that you’re prepared, it’s time to take that leap. Your online therapy session is waiting. Moment of truth, imagine entering your meeting link with your online therapist. Your first session is a chance to get to know your therapist and for them to understand your needs. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask questions, express your concerns, and start building a relationship based on trust. Here’s what you can expect:

Introductions: Getting to Know Each Other

The session will typically begin with your therapist introducing themselves. They might share a little about their background, their approach to therapy, and what you can expect from your sessions together. This is also your chance to introduce yourself. You don’t need to worry about saying the “right” thing—just be yourself. Your therapist is there to listen and help you feel at ease.
Remember: Your first virtual counseling session is an opportunity to get to know your therapist and for them to understand your unique needs. This session sets the foundation for your future therapy work, helping you and your therapist build a trusting relationship. It’s a safe space where you can express your concerns and begin the journey towards your mental well-being, whether you’re seeking help for anxiety, relationship issues, or other challenges.

Explaining the Process: Understanding How Virtual Counseling Works

After introductions, your online therapist will explain how remote counseling works. They’ll guide you through the technical aspects, like how to use the video platform, and what to do if there are any technical difficulties. This part of the session is crucial for making sure you’re comfortable with the online therapy format.
Your therapist will also talk about confidentiality and how your privacy is protected in virtual sessions. Understanding these aspects can help you feel more secure and relaxed during your first virtual counseling experience.
  • Technical walkthrough: Your professional psychiatrist will show you how to use the video platform and troubleshoot any issues.
  • Privacy and confidentiality: They’ll explain how your sessions are kept private and secure, addressing any concerns you might have about discussing personal matters online.
  • Session structure: You’ll learn how a typical session is structured, so you know what to expect in the future.

Setting Goals: Defining What You Want to Achieve

One of the key parts of your first virtual counseling session is setting goals. Your therapist will ask you about what you hope to achieve from therapy. This could be managing anxiety, improving your relationship, or just having someone to talk to about what’s going on in your life.
Setting clear goals helps your therapist tailor the sessions to your specific needs, ensuring that your time together is productive and focused.
  • Identifying your goals: You’ll discuss what brought you to therapy—whether it’s anxiety, relationship issues, or another concern.
  • Personalized plan: Your therapist will begin to develop a plan based on your goals, which will guide your future sessions.
  • Flexibility: Your goals might change over time, and that’s okay. Therapy is a fluid process that adapts to your needs.

Sharing Concerns: Addressing Any Worries or Expectations

It’s completely normal to have concerns or questions before your first virtual counseling session. Maybe you’re worried about whether therapy will help, or you’re unsure about discussing personal issues with someone you’ve just met. Your therapist is there to listen to these concerns and help ease any anxieties you might have.
This is also the time to share what you expect from therapy. Whether you’re looking for specific strategies to manage anxiety or just a safe space to talk, letting your therapist know what you’re hoping for will help them better support you.
  • Expressing concerns: Don’t hesitate to share any worries, whether they’re about the online format or the therapy process itself.
  • Clarifying expectations: Discuss what you hope to get out of therapy, whether it’s coping strategies for anxiety, improving your relationships, or something else.
  • Building trust: This conversation helps build a foundation of trust between you and your therapist, making it easier to open up in future sessions.

Starting Online Therapy

Your first virtual counseling session is a significant step towards better mental health, whether you’re facing anxiety, relationship issues, or other challenges. Knowing what to expect can help you approach the session with greater confidence and less stress. Remember, your therapist is there to support, guide, and help you feel comfortable as you begin your journey with online therapy.

Ready to Start Your First Virtual Counseling Session?

Preparing for your first virtual session doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By setting up your space, checking your tech, and preparing mentally, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of your time. This is a positive move towards enhancing your mental health, and your therapist will be there to support you every step of the way.
At Empathy Health Clinic, we offer virtual consultations to help you get started on your path to wellness. Reach out to us today to schedule your first session and take the first step towards a more fulfilling journey in mental health.