How to Improve Concentration and Focus | Expert Tips

silhouette of woman raising her right hand

Concentration and focus might not be an issue for everyone – but it is for many.

Lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, and certain medications can all contribute to concentration problems. In some cases, an underlying medical condition could be the culprit. Whatever it is, struggling to focus and concentrate feels like your brain is not functioning well. (and we know that’s hard) 

When your ability to concentrate is compromised, it can affect your performance at work or school and make routine tasks feel much more challenging.

In this article, we’ll discuss expert ways to combat concentration and focus problems.


What is Concentration?

Concentration is one of the abilities of the brain that allows the mental energy to be channeled towards a particular task or object. So much more than just paying attention—it’s about sustaining that attention long enough to achieve your goal. 

Now you might be asking, Is this always a thing? Well you know, people with ADHD have a problem with concentration but that is not an exclusive thing with them. Other mental health issues such as traumatic past experiences can also affect one’s ability to focus, so as other health issues. 


Why can’t I concentrate? 

You might not be paying close attention to it, but at some point, you have come face to face with this dilemma. And that’s often triggered by poor lifestyle choices or habits. 

For instance. Imagine you have paperwork (whether for work or school) that needs to be submitted, but constantly checking your phone – your concentration is interrupted. However, when you put your phone away and focus solely on your task, you’ll complete faster and efficiently. 

Scientists say concentration happens when your brain filters out distractions. This process involves the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for helping you stay focused and ignore anything that pulls you away from your task.

Like a muscle, the more you practice focusing, the stronger your concentration gets. It’s not just about sitting still—it’s about training your brain to stay on track with what matters in the moment.

But how can you improve your concentration? Before we dive into those tips, let’s first understand the concept of focus.


What is focus?

While concentration is about directing attention, focus is about maintaining it. Focus means staying absorbed in a task long enough to complete it effectively. Improving your focus requires practice, just like any other ability.


Stages of focus improvement

Focus isn’t something that switches on instantly. There are different stages you’ll go through as you work to improve your focus:

  1. Awareness: You first need to recognize when your focus is slipping. This self-awareness is the foundation for improving your concentration.
  2. Preparation: Once aware, set yourself up for success. Eliminate distractions and prepare your environment before starting a task.
  3. Engagement: This is the stage where you’re fully absorbed in a task. At this point, distractions melt away, and you’re working at your most efficient level.
  4. Sustainment: Over time, as you practice focusing, you’ll be able to maintain this high level of engagement for longer periods.

You see, concentration and focus are two different things, but they work together to help you achieve your goals. Concentration is about directing your mental energy toward a task, while focus is about maintaining that mental energy over time. Both are essential for completing tasks efficiently and effectively. 

Benefits of improved focus and concentration

Improving your focus and concentration can lead to tangible benefits, both in your work and personal life:

  • Higher productivity: Better concentration allows you to complete tasks faster and with greater accuracy, making you more efficient.
  • Improved problem-solving: When you’re fully focused, it’s easier to work through complex problems and develop creative solutions.
  • Increased job satisfaction: Staying focused leads to better performance, which often translates to feeling more fulfilled and accomplished in your work.
  • Lower stress levels: When you’re focused, you’re more in control of your work. This reduces feelings of overwhelm, leading to lower stress.
  • Enhanced learning: Improved focus allows you to absorb and retain information more effectively, helping you learn faster and more efficiently.

Now that we’ve explored the benefits, let’s dive into specific strategies you can implement to boost your focus and keep distractions at bay.

Strategies to Improve Concentration and Focus

To sharpen your focus and concentration skills, you need to work out a few key areas:

1. Understand what causes concentration issues

First, identify what causes your mind to wander. Is it social media? Hunger? Stress? Knowing what distracts you is key to creating a strategy to stay focused. Think about it—if you know what pulls your attention away, you can take steps to avoid those distractions.

For example, did you know that only about 2.5% of people can successfully multitask? This means that most of us aren’t able to focus on two things at the same time. Studies show that trying to do so actually makes your brain switch back and forth between tasks, which slows you down.

A study by the University of London, (and this has been backed by Forbes) found that multitasking can lower your IQ temporarily, similar to how staying up all night affects your brain. So, if you’re trying to focus on homework but constantly checking your phone, your brain isn’t giving its full attention to either task.

Once you understand what triggers your distractions, you can manage them. If social media is a problem, consider putting your phone in another room while you work. If hunger gets in the way, eat a snack beforehand to keep your mind sharp. By knowing what distracts you, you can take control and stay focused on what matters.

2. Train your mind

Mental training techniques such as meditation or mindfulness can help you strengthen your focus. Even a few minutes of daily practice can have significant long-term benefits.

Mindfulness meditation for better focus and mental clarity. 

Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. This can include paying attention to your breathing, sensations in your body, or the sounds around you. 

A study published in the journal Psychological Science found that mindfulness training improved working memory capacity and reduced mind-wandering. The researchers examined a group of individuals who underwent mindfulness training for two weeks. The participants showed significant improvements in their ability to focus on tasks and retain information.

How to use mindfulness meditation for focus:

  • Start with just 5–10 minutes of mindfulness meditation each day.
  • Focus on your breath, noticing how it feels to inhale and exhale.
  • If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your focus back to your breath.
  • Gradually increase the time you spend meditating as it becomes more comfortable.

Mindfulness meditation not only enhances concentration but also promotes a sense of calm and relaxation, making it an excellent tool for mental clarity.

3.Take care of yourself

Maintaining optimal focus and concentration isn’t just about pushing through distractions; it’s about supporting your overall well-being. By nurturing both your mind and body, you can naturally improve your ability to stay attentive and clear-headed throughout the day. 

Below are essential self-care practices that can sharpen your focus.


Healthy habits for better focus – Exercise Regularly

Physical exercise is not just for your body—it’s critical for your brain. Movement boosts blood flow to the brain, enhancing memory, cognitive function, and mental stamina. A 2018 study by Frontiers of Psychology found that regular physical activity increases the brain’s production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These chemicals are vital for sustaining attention and combating mental fatigue. 

People who incorporate exercise into their routine report longer attention spans and better concentration.

Best exercises to boost brain health and concentration:

  • Aerobic exercises like running, cycling, or swimming boost heart rate, sending more oxygen to the brain and improving mental clarity.
  • Yoga combines physical movement with mindfulness, reducing stress and heightening focus.
  • Strength training helps build mental endurance while strengthening your body. Activities like weightlifting or resistance training can enhance both physical and cognitive resilience.

Even small amounts of exercise each day can give you a substantial edge in maintaining focus during mentally demanding tasks.

The role of sleep in enhancing focus – Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for cognitive health. It directly impacts memory, attention, and decision-making. A lack of sleep can drastically reduce your ability to concentrate. According to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, individuals who sleep for 7–8 hours each night perform better on tasks that require sustained attention compared to those with insufficient sleep.

Tips for better sleep hygiene:

  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends, to keep your body’s internal clock aligned.
  • Reduce exposure to blue light by avoiding screens an hour before bedtime.
  • Create a calming bedtime routine—try reading a book or taking a warm bath.
  • Ensure your bedroom is cool, quiet, and dark to promote uninterrupted sleep.

Getting enough quality sleep not only enhances focus but also improves overall cognitive functioning, helping you think more clearly throughout the day.

Eat brain-boosting foods for optimal concentration

What you eat has a direct effect on your brain’s ability to concentrate. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and essential vitamins nourish brain cells and promote better memory and focus. 

Consider incorporating the following:

  • Omega-3s from fatty fish like salmon or flaxseeds support brain structure and function.
  • Antioxidants from berries, nuts, and leafy greens fight oxidative stress, which can impair cognitive abilities.
  • Vitamins like B6, B12, and folate, found in whole grains and leafy vegetables, improve memory and concentration.

A well-balanced diet tailored to brain health can boost your mental clarity and keep distractions at bay, allowing you to focus more effectively on important tasks.

By taking care of your body through exercise, sleep, and nutrition, you are setting the stage for improved focus and concentration.

4. Break tasks into manageable segments

Now, shifting on improving focus. When faced with a large, overwhelming task, it’s easy to lose focus. Breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks can help you stay concentrated and motivated. This approach, often called the Pomodoro Technique, involves working in short bursts with regular breaks.

According to a study from the Journal of Applied Psychology, individuals who used the Pomodoro Technique (working in 25-minute intervals with 5-minute breaks) experienced improved focus and productivity. By working in shorter intervals, the brain remains fresh, which leads to better performance and sustained focus.

How to use the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused 

  1. Choose a task you want to focus on.
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on the task without distractions.
  3. When the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break.
  4. After completing four “Pomodoros,” take a longer break of 15–30 minutes.

This technique leverages the brain’s natural rhythms, allowing you to maintain peak focus without burning out.

Building habits for better focus

To build habits that foster better focus, you need to:

Set clear goals: Before starting any task, clarify your objectives. Ask yourself what you need to accomplish. Defining a goal gives your mind a clear target to aim at, keeping distractions at bay.
Time block your schedule: Break your tasks into focused time blocks, such as the Pomodoro Technique. This method alternates between periods of deep focus and short breaks, which keeps your mind fresh and engaged.
Limit multitasking: Trying to do too many things at once often leads to reduced efficiency and a scattered mind. Concentrating on one task at a time helps you achieve deeper focus and higher quality work.

5. Seek help from a professional therapist

If you find that your concentration and focus issues are persistent and not improving with self-help strategies, it may be time to seek guidance from a professional therapist. Therapists who specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or focus-related issues can help you identify underlying causes that may be affecting your ability to concentrate.

How a therapist can help

A study published in Clinical Psychology Review found that CBT significantly improves attention and focus. Especially for individuals with ADHD or anxiety-related concentration problems. By working with a trained professional, you can target the root causes of your focus issues and build sustainable habits to improve your daily performance.

A therapist can work with you to:

  • Develop personalized strategies to manage distractions and improve attention.
  • Address any mental health concerns, such as anxiety, stress, or treating ADHD, that may be contributing to concentration difficulties.
  • Teach cognitive exercises designed to enhance mental clarity and focus over time.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a licensed therapist if you feel you need additional support.

Concentration and focus lead to success

When you understand how to improve both your concentration and focus, you unlock a powerful combination that can lead to greater success in all areas of life. These strategies not only make you more productive, but they also contribute to a greater sense of accomplishment and well-being.

If you’re ready to take your concentration and focus to the next level, work with a Concentration and focus therapist from Empathy Health Clinic. Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more you work at improving these skills, the more success you’ll see. If fitting therapy into your schedule is challenging, you can opt for a virtual counseling session.

Whether you’re working on a major project, studying for an exam, or simply trying to stay present in your day-to-day tasks. Improved concentration and focus can help you achieve your goals with greater ease and efficiency.