How Couples Therapy Can Improve Your Relationship

couples therapy two hands

Couples therapy is a powerful tool that can transform your relationship from strained to strong. It’s not just about fixing problems; it’s about understanding each other on a deeper level. Which includes improving communication, and building a more fulfilling partnership. 

Did you know that a significant percentage of marriages in Florida end in divorce? This is just a fraction compared to the total divorce rate across the U.S. 

Whether you’re facing significant relationship challenges or simply want to strengthen your connection, couples therapy can be the key to a happier, healthier relationship.

In this guide, we’ll also share key information to help you find the best couples therapy services in Orlando. This way, you can take the next step toward a stronger, more connected partnership.

What is Couples Therapy?

Couples therapy is more than just a form of psychotherapy—it’s a lifeline for partners wanting to reconnect and strengthen their relationship. 

Whether you’re newlyweds or have spent decades together, therapy can help. If you’re feeling stuck in recurring conflicts, experiencing disconnection, or facing challenges like infidelity or external stressors, couples therapy offers a path to rebuild and deepen your bond.

But why should you consider couples therapy in Orlando? Because it’s not just about addressing problems—it’s about fostering understanding and healing. It addresses a wide range of relationship issues. 

Everyday Issues We Address in Couples Therapy

Let’s look at top couples therapy services in Orlando – much like what we do at Empathy Health Clinic. We provide practical tools and strategies to support you overcome relationship challenges and enrich your relationship, renewing your sense of connection and bringing hope for the future.

One thing to note also, is that couples therapy isn’t only for those on the brink of crisis. It’s beneficial for every relationship, whether happy or problematic ones. Here are some common challenges couples often face:

Roles in the Relationship

If you’re feeling unsure about the roles you and your partner play, therapy can help. It provides a space to explore these dynamics, address any imbalances, and work towards aligning your expectations.

Beliefs and Values

Understanding how your core beliefs and values shape your daily life and interactions can be eye-opening. Counseling helps you address these differences and find common ground.


Money issues can strain any relationship. Couples therapy also encourages honest conversations about your financial habits, goals, and challenges. This can help you work towards a unified approach with your finances.

Time Spent Together

If you feel like you’re drifting apart due to a lack of quality time, marriage counseling Orlando can guide you in finding ways to reconnect and make your shared moments more meaningful.


Whether you’re deciding about starting a family or facing parenting challenges, therapy offers a supportive environment to discuss and address these crucial issues.

Familial Relationships

Conflicts with family members can impact your relationship. Therapy helps you and your partner navigate these challenges together, fostering understanding and support.

Sex and Intimacy

Issues around sex and intimacy can be tough to discuss. Therapy provides a safe space to explore these sensitive topics and work through them together.

Health Issues

Physical or mental health struggles can put a strain on your relationship. Therapy supports you in coping with these challenges as a team, helping you maintain a strong connection.

External Stressors

Work, financial pressures, and other stressors can create tension. Therapy helps you manage these external factors and their impact on your relationship.

But that’s not all. Couples therapy offers more than you might expect. Discover the full range of benefits with online marriage counseling in Orlando. Whether you’re dealing with minor hiccups or major obstacles, best couples therapy services in Orlando can help. Providing you the support you need to overcome challenges. This guidance strengthens your bond, making your relationship more resilient. 

The Benefits of Couples Therapy in Orlando Florida 

Divorce rates in Orlando reflect a national trend where nearly 40-50% of marriages end in divorce

In Orlando, the rate hovers around 46%, which means many families face the difficult reality of separation. Divorce can be especially tough on children. They often face confusion, guilt, and emotional distress as they adjust to changes in their family.

Children of divorced parents often struggle with issues like:

  • Emotional instability: Divorce can lead to anxiety, depression, and behavioral problems in children.
  • Academic difficulties: The stress of a family breakup can impact a child’s focus and performance in school.
  • Trust issues: Witnessing the breakdown of their parents’ relationship may affect a child’s ability to trust others and form healthy relationships in the future.

Couples therapy in Orlando can play a critical role in preventing divorce by helping couples address their issues before they escalate. Therapy encourages open communication, teaches conflict resolution skills, and fosters a deeper understanding between partners. 

By working through their problems in counseling, couples can create a more stable and supportive environment for their children, reducing the emotional toll that divorce can take on the entire family.

If you’re in Orlando and concerned about the impact of your relationship on your children, seeking out the best couples therapy nearby could be a vital step in preserving your family’s well-being.

What Are the Core Principles of Couples Therapy?

We understand that you’re here because you are interested in Orlando couples therapy. Great choice! You’re on the right track. 

Before we go into details about what to expect in your first couples therapy session, let’s first discuss its goals.

  • Open and Honest Communication: Couples therapy encourages partners to communicate openly and honestly. This means sharing thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment, leading to greater understanding and connection.
  • Empathy and Understanding: A big part of couples therapy is learning to see things from your partner’s perspective. By fostering empathy, therapy helps both partners feel heard and validated.
  • Conflict Resolution: Therapists teach couples how to resolve conflicts in a constructive way. Remember, this isn’t about winning an argument. It’s about finding solutions that work for both partners.
  • Building Trust: Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. Couples therapy works to rebuild trust if it’s been broken and strengthen it if it’s already there.
  • Continuous Growth: Just like building habits isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it strategy, couples therapy isn’t a one-time fix. It requires ongoing effort and commitment to keep the relationship thriving.

Couples therapy sessions are centered around building understanding and communication between partners. It’s a process that focuses on deepening emotional connections and resolving conflicts in a healthy way, leading to sustainable relationship growth. 

What kind of therapy is best for couples?

If you are wondering what is the most effective form of couples therapy, the answer is that it depends on your unique needs. 

Couples therapy in Orlando uses several approaches. Each one has its own focus and techniques.

  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): EFT is about improving the emotional bond between partners. It helps you and your partner understand and change negative patterns that lead to disconnection.
  • Gottman Method: This method focuses on conflict resolution and enhancing intimacy. It equips you with problem-solving skills and works to improve the quality of your friendship and connection.
  • Ellen Wachtel’s Strength-Based Approach: This approach highlights the positive aspects of your relationship, encouraging self-reflection rather than blame.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy: Psychodynamic therapy delves into the underlying hopes and fears that drive your behaviors, helping you understand each other on a deeper level.
  • Behavioral Therapy: Also known as Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT), this method focuses on reinforcing positive behaviors and reducing negative ones to promote relationship stability.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Cognitive Behavioral Couples Therapy (CBCT) works on identifying and changing thought patterns that negatively impact your relationship.

Couples Therapy Session in Orlando: What to Expect

Before signing up in couples therapy session in orlando, there are things to consider, like: 

  • Participation from Both Partners: While couples therapy ideally involves both partners, it’s still beneficial if only one partner is willing to participate. Individual therapy can also complement couples therapy if needed.
  • Addressing Other Issues: If there are additional challenges, such as substance abuse, your therapist might recommend specialized therapy to address those issues.

Now after signing up, here’s what you can expect.

Couples Therapy First Few Sessions

  • Assessment: Your therapist will start by getting to know both you and your partner. You’ll discuss your relationship’s history, current challenges, and what you hope to achieve through therapy. This helps set a clear direction for your sessions.
  • Communication Analysis: The therapist creates a safe space for open dialogue between you and your partner. They’ll observe how you interact and offer tips to help you express your thoughts and feelings without blame or defensiveness.
  • Identifying Patterns: Together, you’ll uncover recurring issues and behaviors affecting your relationship. The therapist will help pinpoint core problems and the patterns that contribute to them.
  • Goal Setting: You’ll work with your therapist to establish specific and achievable goals for your therapy. This gives you a clear focus and direction for your sessions.

Couples Therapy Ongoing Sessions

  • Relationship Dynamics: On this part, expect to dig into your past. This includes your love history and individual experiences that shape your current relationship. Understanding these dynamics helps you see how they impact your interactions.
  • Exploring Emotions: Then you’ll have to play with different emotions with your partner to understand how they influence your relationship. This helps in addressing underlying feelings that affect your connection.
  • Skill Building: Learn practical strategies like active listening, empathy, and assertiveness. These skills are crucial for improving communication and strengthening your bond.
  • In-Between Session Assignments: You’ll receive tasks and exercises to practice what you’ve learned. These activities help reinforce new skills and insights between sessions.
  • Conflict Resolution: Using the tools and techniques from your sessions, you and your partner will develop strategies to handle disagreements and find common ground.

Depending on your needs, you may explore specific therapeutic approaches. Consult with your couples therapy coach for this, Each method offers unique techniques to help you build a healthier relationship.

How to Get Started with Couples Therapy

If you believe couples therapy could benefit your relationship, start by discussing it with your partner. If they’re hesitant, explain why it’s important to you and how it could help .

  • Finding a Therapist: Look for a licensed therapist who specializes in couples therapy. Consider recommendations from friends, family, or your current therapist. If you’re curious about how much does couples therapy cost in the US? You can always do research first. Taking these steps will guide you toward finding the right support for your relationship.
  • Scheduling and Insurance: Check your schedules and find a therapist who is conveniently located. Ensure that the therapist accepts your insurance.
  • Initial Steps: When you begin therapy, you’ll likely fill out forms about your medical history and relationship issues. Your therapist will work with you to set goals for your therapy sessions and may assign homework to reinforce what you learn.

Starting couples therapy is a big step, but it’s a sign of commitment to each other. It’s about working together to create a stronger, more connected relationship.

Strengthen Your Relationship the Empathy Health Clinic Way

Couples therapy can be a life-changing experience. Helping you and your partner build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship. 

For those in Orlando, finding the best couples therapy can make all the difference. It’s an important step toward creating the relationship you both deserve. With a supportive and safe environment like what Empathy Health Clinic offers, you and your partner grow as a better person – Together! Whether you’re new to therapy or looking to dive deeper, a little professional guidance can go a long way.

Thinking about starting couples therapy? Let’s discuss how we can create a personalized plan to achieve your relationship goals. Request an appointment today and take the first step toward a stronger, healthier partnership!